Happiness- After my experience I was offered a chance to get a brand new phone that had just come out. It was called the G1. It was a Google phone. I was excited to have a new phone and I was hoping it would work properly and not give me any problems. I got the new phone and I took some time getting used to it. It was completely different to what I was used to. It was a touch screen, there were apps I could buy and interactive games I could play. There were some of the same apps that my Sidekick could do to such as the calculator and the calendar but other than that it was all new. I never had a problem with my G1. I never had to call in to the customer service for any problem and I had that phone for a year and a half before I got a new one. I loved the G1 and was very happy with it the entire time I had it.
Dissidence- I bought a cell phone a few years ago that I had wanted for a long time. It was a sidekick. It wasn’t the exact sidekick that I had wanted but it was a sidekick and I had wanted one for a while. I liked having one and I liked telling people I had one. There was a problem though, it didn’t work properly. There was a hardware problem and every time I would set it down it was shut off. Sometimes there were times when it wouldn’t turn on at first and it would take forever to turn on. I had called T-Mobile and they had sent me several replacements but I still seemed to have the same problem. Then I was told that there was a technical problem with my particular brand of Sidekick and there was a total recall of the phone. Needless to say I ended up getting a completely different phone eventually after a year of dealing with problems. Even though I had wanted it really bad it probably wasn't a good decision to buy it just for that reason. I should have looked into the technical aspect of it first.